
German is the most widely spoken language in the EU. German is the second most important
language on the Internet. Germany is the third largest economic power in the world and the
largest economic power in the EU. German is also one of the leading languages in literature, art
and science.

Why should you learn German as a foreign language?

  • You have come to Germany and would like to live and work in Berlin.
  • You are working in the diplomatic service and will be spending a longer period of time in
  • You work with German companies, make frequent business trips to Germany and want
    to communicate better with your German business partners.

We offer German courses in the following forms

  • One-to-one online lessons: 33.00 € / 45 min
  • Lessons for 2 or more people (price per person): 18.00 € / 45 min
  • Intensive courses on request.